Code of Conduct for Swimmers and Parents
Morris County Summer Swim League (MCSSL) Code of Conduct
The aims and objectives of the MCSSL are as follows:
- To foster, perfect, and extend the aims and ideals of amateur swimming.
- To provide a healthy, wholesome recreation to all competitors.
- To foster athletic relationships between member townships and private community pool associations of the League.
- To emphasize and abide by the principles of sportsmanship and fair play.
As an athlete in this league, I agree to abide by the following rules:
- I will show a respectful attitude toward opponents, officials, coaches and fans.
- I will use only positive comments to the other athletes, coaches, and officials.
- I will not use vulgar language and/or gestures.
I understand that if I do not conform to this code I may be subject to punishment for my actions that may include but is not limited to:
- Warning
- Dismissal from 1 or more events in a meet
- Suspension from team competition for one or more meets
- Dismissal from the team
- Permanent disbarment from competing in the MCSSL
- Warning
- Request to leave swim meet
- Suspension of son/daughter from team for period to be decided by MCSSL Commissioners
Alcohol Statement and Policy
Under no circumstances will alcoholic beverages or propaganda be allowed at any League sanctioned event (swim meet/representative meetings). Consuming alcoholic beverages will not be tolerated as it is not a vison that the MCSSL stands for. While we understand that this is a time to socialize with other parents, the main focus should be supporting our athletes.
Listed below are the repercussions of being cited with an open container. It will be the responsibility of each team’s parent representatives to monitor their team’s actions.
- First Offense: Individual(s) will be asked to discard the container.
- Second Offense: Individual(s) will be asked to leave the facility for the duration of the meet.
- Third Offense: Individual(s) will be asked to leave the facility and will not be allowed to attend any future League sanctioned event for the duration of the season.
We want everyone to enjoy our League events and support our member teams and athletes without the use of alcohol.