
Parent Meeting Recap

Thank you to everyone who attended the Parent Meeting on Saturday. Coach Chris did a great job going over the expectations for this season and it's shaping up to be a great one! Please see the attached document for all the information shared on Saturday. Below is a recap a few things from the Parent Board for those who were unable to attend.

  • All swim team registration payments are due June 18th. A late fee of $25 per swimmer will be assessed for all payments received after that date. All checks must be made out to Morris Plains Swim Team Association or MPSTA.
  • All swimmers must be a member of the pool to be a member of the swim team. Pool membership must be paid by June 22nd in order to swim in the first meet. You can register online here.
  • All swimmers will be required to purchase/wear a team swimsuit. Team suits are available at California Beach Hut in Denville for purchase. This year’s suit is new, so please be sure to obtain one before our first meet.
  • Anyone interested in becoming a Stroke and Turn official, please visit the website for more information on how to register for training. Reminder: All Summer Swim S&T officials MUST be recertified every year (does not apply to those certified though their Y or USA Swimming clubs)
  • Team store is OPEN! Go take a look and purchase some Marlins swag to support our team.
  • Volunteer requirements: every family must volunteer (in some way) for a minimum of 4 meets
  • Besides volunteering at the meets, we need help with:
    • Family Day Volunteering – See the website to sign up to help
    • Snack Bar Coordinator
    • Meet Sheet/Data Entry Coordinator
    • Fundraising Coordinator
    • Please reach out to the parent board if you are interested in any of the coordinator roles at [email protected].
  • Swimmer Volunteering: All rising Freshmen thru Seniors will be required to be MEET BUDDIES. At every meet the swimmer attends, they will be required to help with all 10 and Under swimmers;
    • Assisting getting them to the blocks,
    • Assuring they know what events they are swimming,
    • Locating any missing swimmers for the Marshaller's
    • Cheering on the young swimmers.
    • For each meet attended, the MEET BUDDY will receive 2 volunteer hours per meet. A letter will be provided to each swimmer at the end of the summer detailing their volunteer hours to present to their High School.
  • RSVP for all the meets in a timely fashion. Reminders will not go out.
    • By 8 am Tuesday for the Wednesday meets
    • By 8 am Thursday for the Saturday meets
    • Contact Coach Chris if your plans change after the cutoff
  • Reminder that no alcohol is allowed at any of our meets or events. Please see the website for more information on the league rules.
  • Please make sure you are checking the website and the app for important information. This will be the main way we communicate during this short season. We will also post inclement weather notices on both and send out alerts through the app, along with posting on Facebook.

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions on the above information or anything else regarding the Marlins. Can't wait for the start of the season and to see you all on the pool deck. GO MARLINS! 

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